. They were 50 for the set and 25 for shipping. I'M not happy about that. Okay, it was pricey. It'S a good idea. This is an overhead because holy [, __] I might not justify it, otherwise they are more costly than wolford's. If these are not high quality, I'm kind of gon na be mad, however first of all I actually like this packaging. I believe it's adorable. Its just this http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/Pantyhose charming little cardboard container, that's all vibrant and [__] and it simply kind of pops open right here. It likewise featured this little the packet. I think, and they have a small little like I don't understand like a little footy. This is a little tester to attempt and destroy it before you put the real pantyhose on and to assist me, I have my convenient dandy scissors. I do not trust myself with scissors. Generally so I'm gon na be extremely careful of, however hopefully there will be no casualties in this video. Okay, uh all right all right, okay, okay! Oh, all, best I'll, see I'm just gon na yeah
Oh, I ripped right through them. Okay, so they can't deal with scissors, I'm that it so they're not completely human-proof. I'M presuming that it's even if scissors are extra sharp, but I thought that you could use scissors on them. One thing that occurs to me a lot is that my pantyhose will be ripped due to the fact that I will like scuff my heel versus my leg or something I'm gon na attempt and take a heel and poke through it. Oh, damn, all right, it endures that all right, all right, not bad! Is it ripping? No okay? So it's heel proof it did not make it through the scissors, however it survived everything else I put it through. I'm, I'm a little less hesitant. Now, I'm thinking that, perhaps hopefully, if they're great quality, I did not waste my money. Now we get to this pantyhose girl pics charming little container. I do actually like this product packaging. Its quite cute. Can we check out that it says think the impossible all right, shear text timeless black? I got them in an xl what all right, so firstly, these are not.
I thought these were going to be pantyhose, It does not say anything about pantyhose on here, but I know that they are branded as pantyhose. Thats something that's a little misleading. I have to take off my pantyhose all right I'll, be back, so I was so sweaty that I actually got sweat on my dress After I took off the pantyhose anyhow, I get truly sweaty when I record by the way.
This is certainly a brand that does not normally make pantyhose or they were like made particularly, so they could offer these pantyhose leggings, whatever they are fairly comfy, but you understand I feel like. Possibly you can just ask so numerous things if you're gon na have them be completely solid, they're, not ones. I feel like these might even be a darker denier than 40, but truthfully, I would absolutely prefer wolford's over these they're pricey and you understand what, even if they, if they're unbreakable, if you are into that sort of thing, if you like, pantyhose, that do not if you Like them like this, you know what to go for it at this point, I'm rambling, so that is going to be the end of this video